All-American Muslim Controversy

This is a topic that has bothered me for some time now and the image below was the last straw. Hence the rant that follows..

The Controversy that has surrounded the reality show All American Muslim is something that angers me. I’m not Muslim and have only watched a few clips of the show, but to try to coerce companies to pull their advertisement during the show’s time slot based on stereo typical beliefs is beyond ignorance at its finest.

Florida Family Association (FFA) has rallied up a band of fanatics that share their same narrow views on Muslims as a whole. It’s not surprising there are people out there that think this way, but what I did find surprising and disheartening was there weren’t alot more people (I knew) willing to voice their opinion and/step forward in regards to this type of bigotry. Yes, a few had posted similar links as I did and shared my same view, but the ones I expected to come forward more than anything were my proclaimed Christian friends.

Christians, for the most part, have a bad rep because of people using the title as a way to justify their ignorant views. I believe not all Christians share these narrow views just as not all Muslims are terrorists. I have Christian friends that have shown compassion and understanding in situations where many thought they would not. Yet, this isn’t the first time I look for fellow Christians to step forward and have been disappointed at their willingness to speak up. Perhaps, they feel there is no need to defend their stance on certain subjects, that their stance should be known. However, it’s the lack of coming forward on subjects such as these that cause people like the FFA to continue, gain momentum and have a chance to grow into something beyond our control.

There are more than a few horrible events that have taken place within our history. Many were led astray, followed blindly, or remained silent. I’m sure you can think of a few. Now, think of how many milestones we can look back to where people stood up against what was CLEARLY wrong. If history teaches us anything it is to not remain silent. It is only in silence we lose the things those before us worked so hard to attain.

Personal experience: My mother is Catholic. As a child I attended a Lutheran school and Catholic Sunday school. When I got older I attended a Christian church. Although, I do not go to church regularly, I do have Christian beliefs. I do not agree with those who use religion as a way to condone their ignorance. I do not agree with “Christians” wanting to pull the Muslim reality show off the air by harassing the companies advertising during that time slot. I do not agree with Lowe’s pulling their ads due to some radical “Christian” group [I understand it’s all business, but the act sends a terrible message and condones the ignorance regarding Muslims as a whole]. I do not believe in “Muslims” using their religion to support forms of terrorism.

Reality: Not ALL Muslims are terrorists nor are ALL Christians bigots. I have actually spent some time in a Muslim home and they are just like everyone else! They have pets and a pool, chores and homework to do, bedtime and so on… and none of them want to blow me up!

Real talk: We all may come from different backgrounds/ beliefs, there are no copies, but we really are a lot more similar than different. Learn to agree to disagree with respect. Don’t be scared of things you don’t understand, but take the opportunity to educate yourself on the subject. You will evolve in thought and as a person (as a whole).

SN: The link below shows Jon Stewart pointing out the absurdity on the topic. It’s a serious topic, but I feel his comedic approach proves a valid point. The point? The views are so ridiculous, it’s laughable.

Jon Stewart on TLC’s Disappointingly Terror-Free All American Muslim

~ by ultimateoverload on December 21, 2011.

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